Welcome to our Junior Woman’s Club Page!  We are women across the world who join together to serve our communities by “Living the Volunteer Spirit.” Our international headquarters is located in Washington DC. The Junior Conference is a department of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The Junior Conference was originally established as a means to encourage young women to become involved in their communities. However, the state of Georgia has no age limit and welcomes women of all ages into the conference. The Junior Conference of the GFWC has a rich history. It is amazing to me to see the work that ladies for over 100 years have accomplished to make our world a better and safer place to live. 

“From the history of Federation, we learn that as early as 1896, leaders saw the need for having a unit within the GFWC organization that would encourage and interest young women. Today, more than ever, we must be certain there is a steady succession of younger women joining our organization and taking active part in its program of adult leadership and community service.” 

As a member of the Junior Conference, I am extremely honored and blessed to be serving as Director of Junior Club for the State of Georgia 2022-2024 Administration. I have spent the last two years learning from my mentors, traveling to meetings and listening to our club women. One of my goals for the next two years for our Junior Conference is to engage our membership in the GFWC and its many benefits of membership. Each member has a special gift and I want to help each lady utilize her gift in our wonderful organization. Our sisterhood is strong and we are a force when joined together for a cause. Let’s begin our journey together to share our love and passion for our communities, build friendships and definitely have some fun along the way!

As a member of the GFWC Georgia Junior Conference, I have found such joy in serving others. I look back at my journey and realize I would not have had these opportunities if one person had not invited me to a meeting. I challenge each of us to reach out and invite at least one lady to one meeting this year. Imagine the difference we can make if Each One Invited One! We have a treasure in our service to others and our many friendships – let’s share our experience with others so they will reap the benefits just like we have. As the Junior Conference pledge is quoted at each meeting, Let’s remember to be kind to others, reach out to encourage your sister, laugh with her, cry with her, and listen.

In Federation,

Nicole Braun

GFWC Georgia – Director of Junior Clubs

Junior Pledge

The Junior Pledge was written in 1916 by Helen Cheney Kimberly of California, and was adopted in 1930 at the GFWC Convention as the National Junior Pledge.

I pledge my loyalty to the Junior Club women,
By doing better than ever before
What work I have to do;
By being prompt, honest, courteous,
By living each day, trying to accomplish something,
Not merely to exist.